So the credit for this post totally goes to my friend Tricia over at I Heart Rock n Roll for putting up pictures of her awesome tutorial and for giving me the courage to try my own project. You can check hers out here:
After seeing what she came up with, how could I not be inspired to try my own.. so off to the dollar store I went (me and 5 kids who didn't want to behave and all wanted a chocolate bar and whom I threatened a gazillion times with NO CHOCOLATE if they didn't shush and STOP touching.. ok, I exaggerated there.. Grace was pretty well behaved and she only grabbed a dozen or so things off of the shelf each time I stopped the cart).
I made it home with my supplies (and chocolate bars for the kids (I suck at being the harsh parent sometimes) )
And so here's what I did while the kids ate supper:
Paints - 3 colours at $1.25 each (and I won't have to buy more for a looooooonnnnngggg time)
Foam Brushes - 1 pack at $1.25 (but I would buy the small bristle brushes next time)
Bristle Brush - (I had it on hand but it would have been $1.25 too)
Plastic Cups (again.. on hand but max $1.25)
Stir Stick - I have no idea how much 1 would cost.. we have a tonne laying around
Canvas - 12" x 14" size $1.25
Stick on hooks - 1 pack at $1.25
(for those who don't like math that's $10 at most to get started.. and to do more you'll still have supplies left over so it'll only cost a couple of dollars the next time)
And then the fun began :-)
Doesn't my space look all clean and organized?
(ya know that didn't last.. lol)
I mixed up my blue paint with some water (I'ze talented like that)
Then, I used the bristle brush to paint on the blue.. I did the sides and top too because that's just the look I was going for.
Ok, so here's where my lack of artistic skills totally comes into play.. I used one of my business cards and did a rough sketch of the butterfly (sorry, I got excited once that was done and almost forgot to take the picture)
And voila.. the finished butterfly.. and the waiting began.. and I waited.. and waited, and waited some more for it to dry (actually.. it only took 10 minutes but I'm soooooo impatient)
I lined up my hooks and then stuck them on upside down (no.. that wasn't a mistake)
They need to be so that my chains don't fall off once they're hooked onAnd finally the finished product. I like it.. Actually, I'm lovin' it and I'm going to make a few more of them ready for the next craft fair!!!
So.. what do you think???
Do you have any easy ideas for a way to hang a bunch of necklaces (or headbands.. hint hint). Ideas are most welcome.. send 'em my way :-)
That is soooooooooo awesome! What a great idea! I would have never thought of putting hooks on the back like that! I love how you incorporated your logo too! Suh-weeet! See, if we all put our heads together we can all furnish our booths in no time! LOL